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Welcome to

Candyland Aldine

We aim to provide quality care

We Prepare Your

Child For Life

Montessori Is A Nurturing And Holistic Approach To Learning

We Prepare Your

Child For Life

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Special Child Session

For Brain Growth

DayCare Is A Nurturing And Holistic Approach To Learning

Special Child Session

For Brain Growth

Montessori Is A Nurturing And Holistic Approach To Learning

Special Child Session

For Brain Growth

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Best Children Study

And Future Care

DayCare Is A Nurturing And Holistic Approach To Learning

Best Children Study

And Furture Care

Montessori Is A Nurturing And Holistic Approach To Learning

Best Children Study

And Furture Care


are Candyland and Childhood is our passion.

At Candyland, we are driven by our unending passion for childhood. Welcome to our Candyland DayCare Center, where we emphasize upon a holistic environment that values the growth of well-rounded individuals. Candyland stands as a family-owned and operated childcare center with a rich history of serving our community for over a decade. Our commitment to delivering the best childcare and education is reflected in the cheerful atmosphere created by our dedicated staff. Candyland takes immense pride in being a most trustable learning center, where no one is discriminated against based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or disability. “Our mission is to offer exceptional care within a safe and nurturing space, addressing the evolving needs of our community through accessible and high-quality Childcare, Preschool, and Before and After School Programs.”

we are Candyland and Childhood is our passion

Our mission is to offer exceptional care within a safe and nurturing space, addressing the evolving needs of our community through accessible and high-quality Childcare, Preschool, and Before and After School Programs

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We Meet The Kids Where They are

We Meet The Kids Where They are

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Our Infants program starts at 6 weeks of age, and our little ones will transition to our Toddlers Program at 14 months or as soon as they begin to walk.

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Our Toddlers Program provides many opportunities your child needs to grow and explore within their world.

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Most 2 year-olds are filled with energy and an innate curiosity about the world around them. They are also quickly developing their sense of independence.

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Three-years olds are eager to explore their world, expand their new found love for language and discover their developing motors skills.

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Our program for Four years old will be the last stage in which most of our students will be full time students at our center.

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Pre-K & Kindergarten

Our Pre-K & Kindergarten program focuses on those children that are currently in those two grades.

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Our after school teachers provide fun activities to keep your child moving and learning until the time they can go home.


Parents Reviews

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