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Banana Overnight Oats

Howdy, Howdy let’s focus on this month with a nutritious pack, some banana flakes, and nuts on the wrap. Most importantly some almond flakes for a quicker brain wake. Some nut butter to enhance your little one’s taste buds. Peanut butter to savor the morning dipped into a bowl of porridge oats. Preparing this healthy nutty breakfast will give your child plenty of practice for important cognitive and mathematics skills like counting, measuring, sequencing creativity, and more. All you need to do is get into the kitchen with your little one the night before you plan for this nutritious banana overnight oats breakfast and gather all the following ingredients.

Nutritious Ingredients To Gather With The Little One

    • 2 Bananas
    • ⅔ Cup Porridge Oats
    • ¼ Tsp Cinnamon
    • 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
    • 1 ¼ cups milk
    • 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
    • 2 Tbsp Flaked Almonds
Once you have gathered all the ingredients, it is time for you to hold the fork and have some fun in the kitchen
children cooking with their mother throwing flour
mother and children playing on kitchen with flour

Magic Steps to Follow for a Nutritious Treat

    • Ask your little one to peel a banana for you, and mash it up with a fork until it turns smooth.
    • Add the milk, peanut butter, cinnamon, maple syrup, and oats.
    • Mix well, cover, and refrigerate overnight.
    • The following morning, whisk the porridge and, if necessary, add a little more milk to make it a bit thinner.
    • Distribute within two bowls.
    •  Sprinkle the oatmeal with the remaining banana slices, additional nut butter, and nuts after slicing it.
As you’ve journeyed through the “Healthy Breakfast” creation, you’ve not only crafted a delicious morning treat but also weaved countless memories. The actual riches of this experience are the times spent laughing and learning together in the kitchen.

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